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Chalkboard Frames

When I was coming up with ideas for my spare room, which is now my office, I had this vision of eclectic french hideaway. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, and well, as expected, it turned out nothing like I envisioned! Not to be discouraged, I did come up with an off the wall eclectic look that I'm half way happy about. While trying to come up with "off the wall" ideas, I found these sheets of chalk board paper that you simply peel the back off and stick to the wall. I had them stuck there for a week or two when after cleaning out my closets I found some cheap frames that I had no use for. They were larger than normal and I don't think I'd ever find a picture I cared to blow up larger to fit in them. So, thinking outside the box, I decided to put the sticky chalk board paper inside the frame, take the glass out, and hang those bad boys on my wall! How about that! It gives the paper a finished look and it's just down right adorable!


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