I {Heart} Cork Gifts
If you've seen last years Christmas Cork gifts, I guarantee you'll love this years even better!
My original idea was to do monogrammed cork frames like the ones posted all over Pinterest, but of course, I walked into Hobby Lobby and found myself with ten other ideas I wanted to do instead. I'm glad I came up with these, because they turned out amazing. These are the $10 frames I found at Hobby Lobby along with these darling Keys with words on them.
I took the glass out and placed it in back of the decorative paper so that the corks had something sturdy to stick on to. I cut out a heart that was a little smaller than the corks so that the glass would show through to where I could glue the corks to.
I absolutely love how each one of these turned out and will be making one for myself as well! If you are interested in purchasing one please contact me at: 20somethingonabudget@gmail.com:)