You've got "Happy Mail"
I've been scouring the internet for inspiration for my Silhouette Printable Foil® paper and almost came up short. While there are many designs and options for labels on gifts and food items, I wanted to do something a little different. I found my inspiration not through the internet, but rather on the box from Silhouette® that my foil paper was delivered in. There were a few stickers on the side of the box that got me excited; "Special Delivery," Fly me to Nicole" and a couple others. Who wouldn't get excited to open their mail after seeing those?!
This was my first attempt with print and cut, and leave it to me to use the most difficult of material! It took me two days, a few deep breaths and a glass of wine, but I finally got these to cut. If it's your first time experimenting with the print and cut capability with Silhouette, I recommend trying with regular card stock first, don't be adventurous like me; learn from my mistakes!
Supplies Needed:
Silhouette Printable Foil® paper
Silhouette Cameo®
Step One: Open and Create Design
1. Open design "5 banner set" in Silhouette Studio®
You can easily make your own simple shape but I already had this one in my library and was feeling mighty lazy today.
2. Create your type and place according to your design
3. Duplicate your design as desired
Step Two: Registration Marks and Print
1. Click on the Registration Mark settings button
2. Set Style to Type 1
3. Leave settings as they are unless you're more familiar with them
You may have to rearrange your objects so that they fall within the white space. Make sure nothing is outside of the grey areas or red lines.
4. Print your design
Step Three: Cut Design
1. Make sure only your shapes have a cut setting on them. You don't want your text to cut
2. Click send to Silhouette
Your Silhouette® machine will start to register the marks. This is where things can get tricky with foil paper, ask me, I'll tell you the pain.
If your machine is having trouble registering, try these tips:
- Make sure there is enough light
- Use a sharpie to fill in the registration marks
- Manually register
Stick Them on and Mail Them Out
Snail mail is always the best, but wouldn't seeing these shiny "Happy Mail" stickers make it even more exciting? I can't wait to keep these handy every time I mail out a special card to friends and family.